CKD celebrated its 80th anniversary on April, 2023.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our customers, business partners, shareholders, local communities, and our employees and their families.
We will continue to work together with all of you to realize a sustainable and better society through our business endeavors.


Facing All Social Issues,
Employees Growing Together with the Company


Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Corporate Officer
Kazunori Kajimoto

Contributing to the world by leveraging our strengths

CKD has been in business for about 80 years and has grown as a total FA supplier with core technologies in automation and fluid control.
While mastering the elemental technologies that we excel at, we also identify the problems facing society, and support global manufacturing by developing more than 500,000 products.
In recent years, issues have been highlighted such as the active participation of women and seniors in Organisation Problems, Environmental Problems, and Energy Management; promotion of diversity; and the need for automation and labor-saving at manufacturing sites in response to the declining birthrate and aging population worldwide. With such a social background, the Company will demonstrate its presence and use its products in more countries and regions to become a sustainable society and enrich the lives of people around the world. I envision such a future.
Unfortunately, it is generally not well known how our products are used. However, I am confident that the strength of our business lies in a virtuous cycle that will lead to social contributions, environmental protection, corporate development, and employee growth by providing products that customers require.

Creating a corporation where everyone can shine

One of our philosophies is "Human resource". This has two meanings. One is the idea that each and every employee needs their own strength to contribute to society. Another is that it is important for a company to create a working style and environment that makes people feel "fun" because they work more than half of their lives. I want you to challenge what you want to do and keep growing through that experience.
We aim to be a "management that makes the most of people" where everyone can play an active role. Therefore, I want to nurture human resources who can think about how they can contribute to society by making use of their different personalities.
I am sure that the day will come when, after all of our employees have retired, they will be able to realize that their hard work at that time has led to the present CKD. For that day, I myself am working based on the principle of "No regrets". I hope that all of our employees will do their utmost to do what they can do "now" without regrets in the future.



Finding Opportunities in Social Changes
and Creating New Value and Services

President, Corporate Officer and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Katsuhito Okuoka

Developing business strategies that leverage the next generation with an eye to the future

In recent years, global warming and SDGs initiatives have been raised as important social problems and challenges. CKD considers global social problem as one of our management issues and promotes initiatives that are integrated with our business management strategies with integrated thinking. The key word is "business evolution" through the pursuit of automation and fluid control technologies. More specifically, we will integrate the automatic machinery business and the component business into a system unit and develop a service business concept utilizing DX. We aim to create and provide maintenance-related services associated with system unitization and new value through the integration of hardware (automation/fluid control) and software (digital technology).
In recent years, the pace of social change has gained momentum. We believe that responding to this change is an opportunity to create new value. The GO CKD!Award, which recognizes innovative activities not only in technology, but also in sales, production, and work style diversification, and the Innovator Challenge Program, which solicits ideas leading to the creation of new businesses, are representative initiatives of CKD based on these ideas. It functions as a catalyst for innovation, along with technology to solve social and customer problems, and as a place to discover new possibilities and competencies for each employee.

To weave a beautiful earth for the next generation

It is the responsibility of enterprises to realize a sustainable society. At CKD, we carry out our business activities with a sense of mission and objective to protect and preserve the beauty of the Earth for the next generation, and for generations to come.As part of this effort, we are promoting the development of environmentally friendly products through our business activities. For example, the long-life, high durability components "HP Series" and nitrogen gas extraction unit "NS Series" were awarded the gold prize at the 2021 Aichi Environmental Award. In addition, there are many other products that have contributed to environmental problems and SDGs, such as pharmaceutical packaging machines and lithium-ion battery winding machines. Human nature and technological capabilities are the foundation of our brand capabilities. By utilizing our own human capital and technical capabilities, we will develop "high-precision", "high-durability", and "clean" products that contribute to our customers’ manufacturing processes. And by doing so, we aim to firmly establish a corporate image as a company that people remember when they are in need.
Our employees are dedicated to their work, are committed to their execution, and take on the challenge of achieving higher goals.
I am most grateful for the combination of each individual's actions and thoughts, which are the driving force of our company.
We hope to continue to build the future of CKD together with you and contribute to the creation of an affluent society through our business activities.

© 2023 CKD Corporation.