Product Details

Suction pads

Suction pad

Model No.


Various shapes and variations of materials are available. A wide range of variations that can support various workpieces and transport environments.
[Pad shape] Standard, sponge, bellows, multi-stage bellows, oval, soft, soft bellows, anti-slip, thin object, flat, suction mark prevention

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  • Features
  • Variations

[New flat]
Flat type suitable for transporting thin workpieces such as sheets and vinyl.
Consideration of workpiece deformation and wrinkle reduction during adsorption.

[New type: suction mark prevention]
Suction mark prevention ideal for liquid crystal glass, painting process, or semiconductor equipment transport.
Suction of workpiece with flexible resin material that is resistant to suction marks.
Material: PEEK, POM, conductive PEEK

Model No. Product name Pad diameter Remarks
VSP-※RStandardφ1 to φ200
VSP-※ADeep typeφ15 to φ100
VSP-※RMCompactφ0.7 to φ4
VSP-※SSponge typeφ10 to φ100
VSP-※BBellowsφ6 to φ100
VSP-※WMulti-stage bellowsφ10 to φ50
VSP-※EOval typeφ2 to φ8
VSP-※LSoft typeφ4 to φ40
VSP-※LBSoft bellowsφ6 to φ20
VSP-※KAnti-slipφ10 to φ50
VSP-※PThin object typeφ8 to φ20
VSP-※FFlatφ10 to φ30
VSP-※QSuction mark preventionφ10 to φ30
VSPLong stroke-

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