Basic IR Policy
- Investor Relations
- Basic IR Policy
Basic IR Policy
CKD (the Company) conducts its IR activities based on the following policy, which was adopted by the Company’s Board of Directors on May 14, 2018.
1.Basic IR Policy
The Company aims to achieve sustainable growth and increase its corporate value in the medium-to-long term as it actively maintains constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors. The Company endeavors to make timely, appropriate, and fair information disclosure and to be a corporation that is trusted.
2.Policy for IR Disclosure
- Information to Be Disclosed
- The Company discloses not only information that is required under the law and relevant systems but also its Long-Term VISION, its medium-term management plans, and other information that will improve the understanding of its activities.
- Methods of Disclosure
- The Company discloses information that is required under the law and relevant systems, and, to provide information fairly, has created this website to transmit information broadly to the general public.
- IR Internal Operating Systems
- The IR Group of the Company’s Investor Relations Office, Corporate Planning Department, is the focus of IR activities, and it collaborates with related departments to implement IR activities systematically. In addition, the Company has formed an Information Disclosure Committee that is taking initiatives to create highly fair and reliable information disclosure systems.
3.Quiet Period for IR Activities
To prevent leakage of information on the financial accounts and ensure fairness of disclosure, the Company has specified the period from the closing date of the each quarter through the time of the release of such information as a quiet period.
During this period, dialogue with shareholders and investors is suspended. However, if the outlook for performance undergoes unexpectedly substantial change during the quiet period, information may be disclosed appropriately through the issuance of a press release.