



February 19, 2021


  2021 AICHI Environmental Award - Winner of the Golden Award


CKD Corporation (Headquarters: Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, President:  Kazunori Kajimoto) received the Golden Award, the highest ranking environment award of the 2021 Aichi Environmental Award(*), for its efforts to develop products using CKD's automated technology and fluid control technology, have contributed to reducing environmental loads.

CKD was awarded for "supporting the world's monodzukuri processes, greatly contributing to the reduction of environmental loads and the achievement of SDGs" with the High durability component "HP Series" which increases the life of machines, and the Nitrogen gas extraction unit "NS Series" which enables the long-term storage of food products.

By continuing to look into the environment that will help us solve our social challenges, we will contribute to the achievement of SDGs and the achievement of a sustainable society.

*Aichi Environmental Award
Aichi Prefecture established the Aichi Environmental Award at the 2005 Aichi Expo, and this year marked the 17th annual certification.
Companies, organizations and groups can cite examples of pioneering and effective technologies, operations and education, such as resource recycling and the reduction of environmental loads, and receive commendation for their outstanding efforts. The project is being widely introduced all over Japan and its purpose is to ensure that new production and lifestyles are rooted in society and to promote the creation of a resource-recycling society.

惻Introduction of products with reduced environmental loads

High durability component "HP Series"

Nitrogen gas extraction unit "NS Series"

惻Introduction of CKD Environmental/Social Contribution Products Spreading through Society